We always have time for a chat with our families at Ealing Anchor Foundation. Our dedicated outreach worker Natalie, can help provide help and support to guide and help you with your child’s ongoing needs.

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New Starts:
Welcome back to the new academic year. Some of our children will be starting nursery or reception. This can be a worrying time for parent/carers, although we love the thought of finally getting a few hours to ourselves.
We worry about how our children will cope in a new environment with other children. What if something happens and your child cant tell a adult? What if they need help with going to the toilet? Who will encourage them to eat or will they eat? so many questions……
Talk to the nursery/school, is there adequate support been put in place, have they applied for the extra funding or EHCP? Will they be using visuals to support the language and communication? Do they have a social story for the transition?
Ask the questions and get the answers. You are your child’s voice. If you need just a chat, I’m always available to talk things through 07914 311 298 (You honestly wouldn’t be bothering me).
Once your child is settled and you have a few hours to yourself. What you going to do? Catch up on housework, cooking, shopping? That is fine but take sometime in the week for yourself, go treat yourself to getting your nails done, meeting a friend for coffee or just having a nap. You are allowed to think of yourself, its okay!!