P.E.S.T.S is now the Ealing Anchor Foundation. Click here to read more

Privacy Policy

At Ealing Anchor Foundation we are committed to protecting your privacy. Whenever you share personal data with us, we will be clear with you, and not use the data for anything that you would not reasonably expect us to do.

Ealing Anchor Foundation will never sell your personal data to other organisations and will only ever share it in appropriate legal or exceptional circumstances.

We will only send emails and marketing communications to those that have given permission that they are happy for us to do so via their preferred channel(s) (e.g. email, SMS, phone) or where we have a legitimate interest reason for doing so. These communications include information about Ealing Anchor Foundation services supporting families with disabled children. 

If you would like to receive communications and have not already opted in, please contact us on 0208 571 9954 or email info@ealinganchor.org.uk


1. What information we collect.

2. How we use the information.

  • Legal basis & legitimate interests.
  • Who we share your information with.
  • How we keep your data safe.
  • How you can access and update your personal information.
  • Visitors to our website.
  • How long we keep data.
  • How we handle children’s data.
  • Changes to the policy.
  1. Types of Information we collect and it’s sources

When you register with Ealing Anchor Foundation or attend one of our events or parties, we will ask for personal information about you and your child/ren. This will include your name, date of birth, email address, postal address, telephone number, ethnicity, gender, and any disabilities or special needs your child/ren may have. You are not obliged to give all these details.

When you give data to us indirectly

We may get your information via a referral from a third party, such as another charity or local authority, but they should ask for your consent before sharing that information with us and we will seek confirmation that they have done so.

2. How we use the information collected

We use your personal information to:

  • Provide you with the services or information you asked for.
  • Keep a record of your contact and relationship with us.
  • Keep you informed about our work.
  • Ensure the support we offer is current and identify or seek support from new sources
  • Ensure we know how you prefer to be contacted.
  • Understand how we can improve our services or information. 
  • We may contact you about our services and the work that we do either because you have said you would like to hear from us or because we believe we have a legitimate interest in doing so.  You can “opt out” of our contact at any time by emailing info@ealinganchor.org.uk or calling 0208 571 9954
  • We may combine the information you provide to us to send you invitations to attend special events. 

Ealing Anchor Foundation Will send information to you about future events and the services we offer only if you have given permission on your registration form. These will be sent via email, SMS, or post, depending on the preferences you have set. These preferences can be changed at any time.

What you will receive when you opt into our latest news and updates

When we invite you to opt into our communications, we will offer you a choice of communications channels (email; phone; SMS; post) and ask you what you would like to hear about. These options are explained below.

  1. Ealing Anchor Foundation Timetable
  2. Ealing Anchor Foundation Newsletter
  3. Ealing Anchor Foundation Invites to Trips and Parties
  4. Reminders of guest speakers at our sessions and Information Training Workshops

Donating to Ealing Anchor Foundation

If you donate to Ealing Anchor Foundation we will record your personal details, which enable us to process your donation and to claim Gift Aid where relevant. This may include some or all of your: name, address, transport telephone number, email, amount of donation, reason for donation, bank details, if you are a taxpayer for Gift Aid purposes. We may contact you, to thank you, using these details in respect of your donation.

3. Legal basis & legitimate interests

When Ealing Anchor Foundation collect and use your personal information, we will make sure this is only done in accordance with the Data Protection law.

One of the laws of Data Protection is we have obtained your specific consent to use your information for a previously notified purpose, such as to send you email/text marketing or to provide you with a product, service, or information at your request.

Another law is where we have a legal obligation to use or disclose information about you – for instance, where we are ordered by a court or regulatory authority or we are legally required to hold donor transaction details for Gift Aid or accounting/tax purposes.

In certain instances, we may collect and use personal information where this is necessary for our legitimate interest as a charity. This includes being able to:

  • Send direct marketing material to supporters by post or contacting them by telephone for fundraising purposes (subject to checking against the Telephone Preference Service and any existing marketing preferences).
  • Conduct research to better understand who our supporters are and better target our services, campaigning, and fundraising activity.
  • Monitor who we deal with to protect our charity against fraud, money laundering, and other risks.

In all cases, Ealing Anchor Foundation will balance our legitimate interests against your rights as an individual and make sure we only use personal information in a way or for a purpose that you would reasonably expect in accordance with this policy. We would also not intrude on your privacy or previously expressed marketing preferences.

Where Ealing Anchor Foundation process sensitive personal data we will make sure that we only do so in accordance with one of the additional lawful grounds for processing such as where we have your explicit consent or you have made that information manifestly public. When we do this, we will tell you what sensitive personal data we are collecting and why.

4. Who we share your information with

Ealing Anchor Foundation will not sell your details to any third parties. 

There are a few exceptional situations where we may have to breach confidentiality and pass on your details without your consent.

Situations where we might need to break confidentiality:

  • A child is at risk of harm.
  • A vulnerable adult is at risk of harm.
  • You are at a serious risk of immediate harm.
  • A terrorist threat has been made.
  • We have been ordered to share information with the courts.
  • A person poses a serious risk to others.

If a decision is made to break confidentiality, we will make reasonable effort to keep you informed of what we intend to do. We will only ever share your data in circumstances outside of this if we have explicit and informed consent.

5. How we keep your data safe

Ealing Anchor Foundation is responsible for collecting your personal information. We use rigorous procedures when we collect your personal information in order to prevent unauthorised access.

However, no data transmission over the internet is 100% secure and although we try to protect your personal information, Ealing Anchor Foundation cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.

Ealing Anchor Foundation has appropriate technical controls in place to protect your personal details. We will ensure that your information is only accessible by appropriately trained staff and volunteers with whom we have contracts that are compliant with data protection regulations.

6. How you can access and update your personal information

If you would like Ealing Anchor Foundation to update the information that we have on our records, please email info@ealinganchor.org.uk or call us on 020 8571 9954

You have a right to ask us to stop processing your personal data, to restrict how we process your data, or to delete your data, and if it’s not necessary for legal reasons or for the purpose you provided it to us for we will do so. Contact us on 0208 5771 9954 or info@ealinganchor.org.uk if you have any concerns.

You have a right to request access to any information we hold about you.

If you wish to access the information Ealing Anchor Foundation holds on you please contact us at info@ealinganchor.org.uk and we will ask you to complete an access request form in order to confirm your identity if necessary and to provide you with the data you need.

If there are any discrepancies in the information we provide, please let us know and we will correct them.

For further information, we recommend reading the Information Commissioner’s guidance.

If you have any concerns with the way your personal information has been handled, you can contact the ICO.

7. Visitors to our website


If you are asked for, and provide, details of a credit, debit or charge card; in that event, you must ensure that 

  • you are fully entitled to use that card
  • it has available funds sufficient to cover the charges which are deducted from it
  • you are the authorised PayPal account owner.

As part of the payment process, you will receive a verification email, the purpose of which is to take reasonable steps to ensure that the email address you have nominated during payment is controlled by you.

8. How long we keep data for

Ealing Anchor Foundation will keep your personal information only for as long as required to operate the service in accordance with legal requirements and tax and accounting rules. Where your information is no longer required, we will ensure it is disposed of in a secure manner.

9. How we handle children’s data

Ealing Anchor Foundation will never use children’s data for marketing purposes. None of our services or the support we offer to parents is reliant on children’s data being shared with us. We use the data to ensure that we give the best possible support to the parent.  We also use data on children for our own research purposes and to ensure that the services we offer are as effective as they can be in supporting parents.

10. Changes to the policy

Ealing Anchor Foundation will review this policy annually and may update it from time to time. If we make any significant changes in the way we treat your personal information we will make this clear on our website or by contacting you directly.

This Privacy Policy was adopted at a meeting by the Management Committee of Ealing Anchor Foundation   Held on:   Date to be reviewed (annually):   Signed by CHAIRPERSON                                                                               Date               Name of Chairperson – Aisha Tabani Chowdhry