We provide information, advice and support to parents and carers of a child aged 0-5 years who is differently abled.
Our service will help you to navigate and interpret the sometimes complicated world of special educational needs and disability.
We have play workers and volunteers available at the play sessions who can offer language support and help in accessing local services.
We offer regular talks and information training workshops including free legal advice for parent carers from specialist health visitors, clinical psychologists, therapists and speakers from other organisations.
Our Door to Door transport service is provided to and from sessions, if required and Toy Library is available once per week.
School holiday activity sessions, outings and parties are for the whole family and the Outreach Support Line is available from 8am-8pm if you need someone to talk to, are worried about something to do with your child or need some information and advice.
We also run a counselling service through our ‘What’s on your mind programme’.
If you are in urgent need, please contact us on 020 8571 9954